Thursday, June 05, 2008

Did u know...!??
Did u know that today was world environment day...!?? huh..did any one of u know it...!?? Well..i knew it and did a LOT to the really....
I was threatened, forced and ordered to go to the "institute" for a "program". Little did I know that it was a Tree planting program...!!! Can u believe it...?? a tree planting program when at this age I fantasize about planting seeds...!!!!! [:P] isn't fair....!!!!

Fine...after spending some "quality" time with my projekt mates talking about my job prospects, we are served tea, badam milk and a FULL PACKET of PARLE-G...I mean...A FULL PACKET...!! so instead of planting saplings and watering them, we happily eat those parle G's. And please to note that my projekt mates choose badam milk over tea. So all of them dipped their biscuits into MY tea. Like just imagine 4 biscuits being dipped at the same time into 1 single paper cup of tea. Yeah....thats what happened and it was quite yucky...with drops of tea falling from 4 biscuits into the tea cup and all...and its a different thing that i finished the tea though...

After the wonderful Tea-Bang we were asked to explain things about solar cookers to school kids..... Just imagine explaining solar cookers to some 10 yr old kids who are happily gorging on parle-g biscuits. The rest of my projekt mates wonderfully escaped and i was asked to the "honors". Believe me...teaching school kids is a pain in the rear end...and teaching their teachers is a bigger pain at at the other end...!! A teacher from one of the schools started asking me questions about the cooker.....I was like...WTF...!!!?? My own HOD did not ask me any question till now on our projekt and a school teacher asks me questions which I cannot answer...!!
Finally the school kids and their teacher go away and I am left alone.
And while I was standing in the sun and explaining stuff to of my projekt mate was happily drinking mango juice at some1 else's expense.And I was promised there would be lunch and there wasn't any.......and i had to fill my stomach drinking sweet lassi which taster sour... :(

Now u recognize the environmentalist in me...!??? do u...?? do u...!?!??
Now what did you do to save the environment and make the world a better place...!??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i slept all day to reduce global warming....!!! by the way, did u use the bicycle to travel to THE "institute"????