Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The ANT.........

Sitting in front of the computer and orkutting.....Listening to the nasal himesh or a the latest chartbuster..........This is how i spend most evenings...... Out of the constant clattering of the key board.....in between the tiny spaces of the buttons a tiny ant comes out(thanks to the RAVE-UNDES or CHOW CHOW inside the keyboard..!!)....i gave it an insignificant glance......and do not kill it,thinking "let me spare the poor creature...!!" Going thru my scraps i suddenly feel a sting on my right arm......the same ant.......i kill it which so much intensity, ferocity and pleasure that i do not realise that its just an ant.......i see others in it...i see my foes in that little creature.......i see people in that ant........i see myself in that......that one insignificant little creature represents so many faces of my malice.......my insecurities.......!!! I hope next time the ant survives.....not my MALICE....!!


Anonymous said...

koole guru.
on the lighter side the ants have had a easy way out unlike some whom u put under razor edge of sarcasm,wrenching them mercilessly

Varun said...

The sting showed u the foes...the ant comin out of litered sweets showed u a innocent creature...
moral of the story..
Sweets are good but only in the right proportion...

Unknown said...

@shining path......PINDA...:P

piyu said...

About the ant..
Would appreciate a lil act there.. I mean , you did not feel the urge to squash it when it was just making its way out.. So pretty humane there.. :)
I guess , the human nature and its manifestations.. But you saw a foe in it? I mean , you had such a rush of feelings? was it not just another reflex?

Unknown said...

hmm...nice analogy to mu dumbness i must say...!!